Who should get vaccinated against influenza?
Yearly influenza vaccination is recommended for people aged 6 months and over. Immunising against the influenza virus saves lives and helps lower the risk of diagnostic uncertainty between the flu and COVID-19.
Anyone who wants to protect themselves against influenza can talk to their immunization provider about getting vaccinated. For more information about the influenza vaccine, click here.
How to make a Flu Vaccine Appointment?
Book an appointment with your preferred GP to receive your flu vaccine today.
What Influenza vaccine am I eligible for?
Private Flu Vaccine
Those who are aged 5 to 64 can receive a private flu vaccination. This is not government-funded and is provided by the medical centre for $15.95*.
*Note: For patients without a Medicare card, a consultation fee will be added to the price of vaccine.
Government-Funded Flu Vaccine
Free seasonal influenza vaccine is funded for the following groups at higher risk of complications from influenza:
- all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and over
- all children aged 6 months to less than 5 years of age (including Aboriginal and medically at risk)
- all individuals aged 5 years and over with medical risk conditions
- pregnant women (influenza vaccine can be given at any stage of pregnancy)
- people aged 65 and above
For more information, click here.